Funding caps per application and fiscal year

Yearly funding caps: GPSA has implemented funding caps per fiscal year (the fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30 for any given year). The breakdown for international vs. domestic travel caps per fiscal year is below: 

  • $2,000 – Travel within North America 
  • $4,000 – International travel
  • $4,000 – Maximum funding cap for both North American and international travel
  • $2000 - Mazimum cumulative funding cap for all types of applications, except international travel

Application funding caps: GPSA has implemented funding caps per application. The breakdown for international vs. domestic travel caps per application is below:

  • $800 for travel to present research at conferences in North America. 
  • $1,200 for travel to present research at international conferences. 
  • $500 for travel to present or trained at wet lab/workshop or preceptorship 
  • $500 for internship & preceptorship travel 
  • $500 for professional development opportunities (workshops and conference attendance without presenting research, professional training, certifications, exhibitions, performances, competitions, foreign language instruction, etc.). 
  • $100 for intercampus travel.

Eligible Expenses

  1. Registration fees
    1. Registration does not include required membership for conferences.
  2. Transportation costs via airfare to the destination, shuttle costs, etc.
    1. Usually, students prefer to travel from/to nearby airports, incl. Pullman/Moscow, Spokane, and Lewiston. If you want to travel from/to further airports (Seattle or Portland), you must provide proof that compares airfare prices between nearby airports and Seattle or Portland airports. The proof can be a screenshot or pdf of any booking website on the same date that travel takes place.
    2. Most travels happen from one day before the beginning of an event to one day after the end of it. If you travel two or three days before the beginning of an event or stay two or three days after the end of an event, you must provide proof that you had a business-related purpose to stay longer, or flight fares were cheaper two days earlier or later. The maximum of accepted dates before and after travel is up to three days if you have the required proof.
    3. If you travel two or three days after the beginning of an event or leave two or three days before the end of an event, you must provide proof that you had an important reason for this e.g., health.
    4. Please do not ask for reimbursement if you stay longer for a personal reason (visiting a city, family, etc.) or if your return flight doesn't go back to the original departure airport.
  3. Ground transportation expenses (e.g., Uber/Lyft/taxi/train/bus/ferry)
    1. This committee only reimburses taxis, Uber, Lyft, etc. if they have been used only for business purposes. Examples of accepted transportation: from home address to the airport, from airport to hotel, from hotel to convention centers, or any event locations. All these details will be reviewed by travel coordinators and the Student Involvement Finance Team.
    2. Please do not include those expenses and receipts which are related to non-business purposes, e.g., entertainment, or personal time.
  4. Tips are not reimbursed by this committee.
  5. Personal cars
    1. Personal mileage is reimbursed for personal vehicle use only (map required).
    2. If a personal car was used, then provide a mapped printout of the distance traveled (incl. departure address, destination address, roundtrip mileage).
    3. This committee only reimburses personal cars if cars have been used only for business purposes. Examples: travel from Pullman to Spokane or Lewiston airport, travel from Pullman to Seattle, Portland, or any other nearby destinations (cost-benefit trips).
    4. No gas receipts are required, and reimbursement is per the university rate explained in the application.
    5. How to figure mileage: Departments may use maps, highway guides, or actual odometer readings to determine mileage. To figure in-state mileage, use standard highway mileage guides for out-of-state mileage. If maps or guides are used to determine point-to-point mileage, vicinity miles as determined by odometer readings must be shown on the Expense Report in Workday as a separate figure for each day’s travel. Departments may elect to reimburse either in-state or out-of-state mileage, or both, based on actual odometer readings. Enter the total daily mileage on the Expense Report in Workday, as directed.
  6. Rental cars
    1. This committee only reimburses rental cars if cars have been used only for business purposes. Examples: travel from Pullman to Seattle, Portland, or any other nearby destinations (cost-benefit trips).
    2. This committee does not reimburse the rental car if it is only used at the destination because we don't have access to any documentation that the rental car is only used for business-related purposes.
    3. If a rental car was used, provide rental and gas receipts. Gas is reimbursed for rental vehicles only (receipt required).
  7. Airport Parking


Type of presentation:

  • In-person panel or oral presentation - 15 points
  • In-person poster presentation - 10 points
  • Virtual panel or oral presentation - 15 points
  • Virtual poster presentation - 10 points
  • Other, please explain - 10 points


  • 1st and the presenting author - 15 points
  • 2nd and the presenting author - 10 points
  • 3rd and the presenting author - 10 points
  • 4th and the presenting author - 10 points
  • Other, please explain - 10 points

Ineligible Expenses

GPSA does not provide reimbursement for the following expenses:

  • Baggage fees.
  • Gas for private vehicles or rental cars.
  • Visa costs or passport fees for international travel.
  • Fees relating to reservation changes, such as flight changes, reservation cancellations, etc.
  • Fees relating to seat upgrades for travel by air, bus, or train (we don’t reimburse students when they elect to fly premium or first class).
  • Flight insurance.
  • Travel costs for travel companions
  • Travel costs paid for by airline miles or travel credits.
  • Membership fees for organizations (unless they are built into the registration cost of an event).
  • Division/caucus memberships for an organization.
  • Food and beverage expenses.
  • Tips.
  • Hotel parking.
  • Fees to attend socials, lunches, etc., at a conference or event.
  • Printing costs associated with attending or presenting at conferences.
  • Paper copies of programs or other materials.
  • Lodging.
  • Any travel or registration expenses involved with licensure or examinations (i.e., LSATs, GRE, CPA exams).

Faculty Evaluation: Advisor/Department Chair Approval Form

Conference Tier

















































Example: In-person panel or oral presentation, 1ST presenting author, and conference tier of 1 and importance of 5 will give 15 + 15 +15 =45 points. If budget conditions are good, this individual will get 100% of the requested refund.

Travel and Registration Grants Policies (As of February 2025)
  • 1) Eligibility
    • Only current GPSA Members (Pullman Fee paying graduate or professional students) during the travel period are eligible to apply for and receive a GPSA travel and registration grant.  
    • This committee only considers those expenses that are paid by the applicant/traveler (paid out of pocket).
    • Each student can submit more than one application per travel period or academic year until the applicant reaches the maximum funding cap per travel period or academic year.
    • Students are permitted to apply for more than one grant type in the same cycle if they attended two events (conferences, workshops, etc.). They may be awarded partially based on available funding per travel period.
    • Applicants must keep all original receipts (registration costs, travel receipts, etc.) and relevant information regarding the travel.
  • 2) Completed Travel
    • Students may only apply for travel or online/virtual programs (conference, workshop, professional training, preceptorship, internship, certificates, etc.) that they have already completed.
      • Example 1: If a student's travel took place from September 4 to 10, 2025, they would apply for the September (Fall 1) travel period because their travel occurred during that period.
      • Example 2: If a student’s online workshop or certificate period is from September 28 to November 2, 2025, then they would apply for the November (Fall 3) travel period because the online program finished on that travel period.
    • Applications for travel reimbursement that are submitted during the incorrect application period will be disqualified. All travel periods and application deadlines are listed on the Travel and Registration Grants section of the GPSA website.
    • Students will not be guaranteed reimbursement. All students must fund their travel before applying for a grant.
    • GPSA will not grant funding — nor will GPSA offer funding to any student —before they have completed an application for travel that has already been completed.
    • Note: No student is guaranteed reimbursement, nor is a student guaranteed reimbursement for the entirety of their requested amount. 
  • 3) Types of Travel Grants
    1. The Conference Presentation Travel Grant is designed to assist WSU graduate and professional students who are representing Washington State University by presenting research papers, posters, or creative works at conferences. The maximum amount awarded to an applicant is $800 (for North American travel, including Canada) and $1,200 (for international travel). 
    2. The Wet Lab and Workshop Travel Grant is designed for professional students. The maximum amount awarded to an applicant is $500.
    3. The Professional and Career Development Travel Grant is designed to cover some of the costs for many activities including but not limited to conferences (i.e., not presenting any work at the conference), workshops, certifications, professional training, exhibitions, performances, competitions, and foreign language instruction. The primary purpose of such activities is professional and career development, such as events where you are an invited speaker (when costs of the trip are not already covered by the inviter), conferences you attend as an officer of a professional organization, or certificates you earn as a proof of competency in a specific skill, technique, method, or software. The maximum award amount is $500.
    4. The Internship, Preceptorship, and Intercampus Travel Grant is designed for the cost of transportation from and to Pullman campus for internship, preceptorship, and intercampus travels. The maximum amount awarded to an applicant is $500 (for internship and preceptorship) and $100 (for Intercampus Travel). 
  • 4) Reimbursable Travel Expenses
    • Travel should not include personal time – covered by the traveler.
    • Reimbursements will not be paid to departments, grants, or advisors. Students are required to pay out of pocket to be eligible for a GPSA grant. There are no exceptions to this rule and GPSA will only fund students directly.
  • 5) Supporting Documentation and Statement of Cost-Effectiveness
    • Any travel expense that is requested for reimbursement must be accompanied by sufficient documentation (receipt, email confirmation, etc.). All documentation provided must include the total cost per expenditure, as well as proof of payment (if applicable).
    • Any travel expense that is not sufficiently documented in the application will be deducted from the total reimbursement request. It is the applicant’s responsibility to acquire all appropriate forms of documentation related to travel expenses before applying.
    • Students should pay attention to the funding caps listed when completing more than one application.
    • In the application, you must provide detailed information stating how this was the most cost-effective way for you to travel and that you are seeking reimbursement solely for the travel you applied for.
      • For example, if you choose to drive across the country for a conference, although it would have been cheaper to fly, your application would be rejected unless you have a convincing reason to do that.
  • Required Documentation
    1. Application Forms at Travel and Registration Grants | GPSA at WSU
    2. Create Spend Authorization Form in Workday:
      1. This form is a requirement according to university policy. It also ensures that the applicant has corresponded with their travel coordinator.
      2. This form is required for in-person conferences, events, meetings, etc. For online or virtual events and activities, proof of informing the travel coordinator through email before the submission is needed.
      3. Travel coordinators cannot mention GPSA as a source of funding in the Spend Authorization Form. They must mention the “Personal Fund” or “Host Department Fund” as a source of funding in this request.
    3. Advisor's or department’s chair approval form (for Conference Presentation Travel Grant only).
      1. It is the student’s responsibility to download the most current approval document template, have their advisor sign it, and re-upload it to their application.
      2. If your advisor/department’s chair does not approve your application before the deadline, the application will be viewed as incomplete and will be disqualified. There will be no exceptions made for incomplete applications after the application deadline.
    4. Proof of Attendance
      1. Graduate and professional students who only attended a conference without presenting, or only participated in a professional development opportunity, wet lab, or workshop must provide proof of attendance.
      2. Proof of Attendance can include conference badges, certificates of participation or completion, etc.
      3. Proof of attendance or certificate (required for attending wet lab/preceptorship, professional training)
      4. Offer letter (required for internship travels)
      5. Proof of invitation or reason to attend (required for intercampus travels.
    5. Attachment of travel receipts
      1. Besides evaluating responses for thoroughness and accuracy, the Travel Grant Committee also considers the efforts made to minimize transportation and registration costs, and efforts made to secure alternative sources of funding.
    6. Department certification of expenses
      1. The purpose of this form is to receive departmental certification that the expenses included in the application are not department-funded. This form needs to be certified by the applicant and the Travel Coordinator/Fiscal Staff Signature. The application will be considered incomplete if this signed form is not provided.
  • Steps toward creating Spend Authorization Form:
    • Before in-person travel, create the “Spend Authorization Form” at the Workday platform with guidance from the host department and, Don't forget to start this process in advance.
    • Travel coordinators should fill out account information on the Spend Authorization Form (e.g., amount of fund, region of travel, advisor/department chair, source of funding: “Personal Fund” or “Host department Fund”).
    • Some departments may have internal travel forms to gather information from applicants before creating a spend authorization form at the Workday platform. Please be in touch with the travel coordinator of your department to find out if more information is needed.
  • 6) After the Review Process
    • After finishing the review process by the Travel Grant Committee, award winners will be notified via e-mail by the Travel Grant Committee chair, mailbox and Foundant platform). Award letters will provide further details.
    • Applicants who are denied funding will receive a rejection notice, including a reason for the denial of the application.
    • After receiving the approval email from the travel grant committee, the awardee should send the approval letter and expense receipts to the travel coordinator of the host department. The Expense Report Form should be created at the WSU Workday platform before the announced deadline. 
    • For applications awarded for travel, receipts are due within a specific deadline mentioned in the award notification. Keep in mind that proper documentation submitted promptly will be required to receive an award.
    • For an application declined, a link (GPSA Travel Grants Appeal Process | GPSA at WSU) to appeal the decision will be attached to the declination email sent to such applicants.
  • 7) Alternative Sources of Funding
    • GPSA strongly encourages schools and departments to help fund their students’ conference travel.
    • GPSA does not reimburse schools or departments for money they spend, through their budgets or faculty grants, for students to attend conferences.
    • Travel awards will be dispensed only as direct reimbursements to award winners for expenses they must pay themselves.
    • In addition to applying for GPSA travel funding, students are encouraged to contact their departmental travel and graduate coordinators for information on seeking other sources of funding.