Promoting Graduate Student Accomplishment

WSU GPSA wishes to highlight the accomplishments of Graduate and Professional students. We welcome submissions from WSU graduate and professional students, Registered Student Organizations, or faculty/staff, who intend to communicate an announcement that is relevant to the graduate and professional community. Content can consist of items such as research publications, panel or poster presentations, awards, teaching accomplishments, service accomplishments, etc.

If you would like to be highlighted on the GPSA social media for your accomplishments, then please fill out the Promotional Request Form. Please provide the relevant information about your accomplishments, which can include:

  • Publication or Presentation
  • Awards
  • Teaching Accomplishments
  • Service to the University, Community, or State

Provide a brief description of the accomplishment that you or your group completed. Please make the description no more than 100 words. Please also include a photo of you or the group you worked with. 

For social media requests, we also ask that these be submitted 2 weeks before your requested publish date. We also plan to highlight graduate students' accomplishments in future directions which may include other media resources such as a newsletter or through the Daily Evergreen.

Click Here to Submit Grad Student Accomplishment