Sponsorships through GPSA
Apply HereGPSA has funding available to sponsor events, services, resources, or programming that promotes the interests of graduate and professional students.
GPSA Sponsorship Policies
All requests funded must align with the mission of the GPSA.
GPSA Priorities for Sponsorships
- Connects graduate and professional students to university or community resources or services
- Fosters leadership development
- Fosters career/professional development
- Fosters community development (both within WSU as well as in surrounding communities)
- Benefits individuals both within the organization and outside the group’s membership
- Enhances the graduate and professional student experience
- Provides an educational opportunity that would otherwise be unavailable to graduate and professional students at WSU
According to the GPSA bylaws revised in 2024:
- GPSA may allocate funds on a case-by-case basis to sponsor programs and events consistent with the mission and goals of the GPSA that serve the interests of Members of the GPSA.
- Sponsorship funding is intended to support specific events that benefit the graduate and professional student community.
- Priority for sponsorships will be given to collaborative events, events that foster community engagement, and external events that benefit the graduate and professional community.
- No minimum or maximum amount related to sponsorship may be requested or allocated. No RSO may receive more than $2,500 in RSO total funding (semester(s) plus sponsorship) within a single academic year.
- Requests for sponsorships will be accepted continuously throughout the academic year. The Budget committee will review each request within ten (10) business days and make decisions according to the budget availability of GPSA.
- The Budget Committee may approve allocations for sponsorships up to $500, and the Senate must approve allocations for sponsorships more significant than $500. Any organization, event, or program recommended to receive a sponsorship of $1,000 or more must send a representative to present a summary of the request to the Senate at the meeting that the recommendation is given to the Senate.
- Sponsorships must be spent consistent with the purpose for which those funds were approved, and the expenditures must not violate any rules for the spending of GPSA funds. Sponsorships must specify a date for the event or program to be funded. Any allocated funds not spent more than one (1) month after the last specified date will revert to the GPSA. Funds may not be allocated retroactively. No reimbursements may be made for costs incurred before funding approval. Funds may not be used for gifts, prizes, awards, scholarships, or any other purpose given to a specifically designated individual.
- Groups that receive sponsorships must submit a written report and documentation for all funds spent to the GPSA within one (1) month of the last specified date of the event or program. Any group that fails to submit a report for sponsorship following their event will be ineligible for sponsorships for the rest of the current semester or until the report is filed.
The following criteria will be used to review applications:
- Must be a registered WSU RSO
- Have an active page on Coug Presence
- Comprised of mostly graduate/professional students
- Have a budget account set up with WSU (Cougar Card Center)
- Provide a budget spreadsheet detailing how the money will be used for projects/events (e.g., excel budget sheet), a budget narrative, and have a complete, thorough application.
RSOs will be notified about the decision through WSU email.