After-school program for kids 5-12 years old with WSU Children Center.
GPSA initiated an after-school program with vendors providing afternoon programs, which GPSA can support. The program opens on March 1st. Families must pay a one-time registration fee ($50) per family. Families do not have to bring their kids to the center after school. Kids should take the school bus, and a teacher from the center will wait to pick them up. Other benefits are included on the WSU Children's Center website.
Click here to apply to the After-School Childcare After-School Program
- enroll their kids with WSU Children Center and pay the difference.
- enroll their kids with other facilities and request reimbursement at the end of the Spring semester (up to $800 per kid, maximum of two kids per family; for the third and fourth kids, families could receive a percentage according to the availability of funds).
Washington State Childcare Resources
The Fair Start for Kids Act: A $1.1 billion investment to make childcare and early learning more affordable for Washington families by expanding access, capping copays, and providing resources to support childcare and early learning providers. The changes made under the Fair Start for Kids Act will help create an integrated childcare and early learning system in Washington State that is accessible, affordable, and in which providers and childcare workers can have the support they need to provide quality care.
Washington Connection: A fast and easy way for families and individuals to apply for various services such as Food, Cash, Childcare, Long-Term Care, and Medicare Savings Programs. Individuals aged 65 or older, blind or disabled, may also apply for medical assistance.
Additional Washington State Childcare Resources: This childcare subsidy program from the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families.
Farah & Farah Common Car Seat Mistakes: Parents often don’t realize they are using child car seats incorrectly. Mistakes can be as small as clipping the harness in the wrong spot or as big as using a seat that no longer meets safety standards. These mistakes are dangerous because they increase the risk of injury to the child in the event of a motor vehicle crash. Learn 20 common car seat mistakes, their dangers, and how to fix them.