Join a GPSA Committee

GPSA Committees are responsible for carrying out much of the day-to-day work of GPSA because they can consider business in more detail than is possible in a single monthly meeting. Committees are always looking for new members and they are a great way to get involved. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!

  • Budget Committee

    The Budget Committee is responsible for reviewing and assessing the GPSA budget, expenditures, and affiliate (registered student organizations) funding proposals and reviewing evening childcare subsidy policies and expenses. The committee is also responsible for preparing the budget presentation for the S&A fee committee.

    Interested in joining the Budget Committee? Please contact Desmond Nanayaw Aboagye at

  • Communications Committee

    The Communications Committee is in charge of creating a communication plan for GPSA in order to increase the transmission of information from GPSA to GPSA members. The committee also is responsible for taking minutes at each Senate Meeting and creating/formatting/sending the GPSA Monday Minute.

    Interested in joining the Communications Committee? Please contact Andrew Sutherland at

  • Community Affairs Committee

    The Community Affairs Committee is dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment with the WSU graduate and professional student community. The committee serves as a link between graduate and professional student registered student organizations across campus to help improve communication and increase collaboration. The Community Affairs Committee will also focus on campus and community outreach and work together on events to build stronger ties throughout the GPSA community at WSU.

    Interested in joining the Community Affairs Committee? Then, please contact Madison Hönig at

  • Travel Grants Committee

    The Grants Committee reviews graduate and professional student travel and registration grant applications, and awards funding monthly throughout the year (each month, including the summer).

    Interested in joining the Travel Grants Committee? Then, please contact Augustine Triumph Attah at

  • Internal Affairs Committee

    The Internal Affairs Committee is responsible for addressing all GPSA related concerns and the long-term needs of graduate and professional students. The committee is also responsible for preparing, reviewing and suggesting revisions of the Constitution and Bylaws to the Senate and Executive Board. The Internal Affairs committee also evaluates the need for graduate and professional student childcare and conducts the general election of GPSA executive officers and senators during the spring semester.

    Interested in joining the Internal Affairs Committee? Then, please contact Nazua Idris at

  • Legislative Affairs Committee

    The Legislative Affairs Committee ensures that WSU graduate and professional students are in the minds of decision makers on a University, local, state, and federal level and assists in the communication process. The committee will assist and participate in Coug Day at the Capitol, Call Congress Day(s), voter awareness efforts, and monitoring legislation that may affect graduate and professional students at WSU.

    Interested in joining the Legislative Affairs Committee? Then, please contact Ali Maleki at

  • Programming Committee

    The Programming Committee is responsible for organizing non-academic events for graduate and professional students. Such events include the yearly Welcome Back BBQ, ice cream socials, bowling nights, soccer tournament, and socials and formals.

    Interested in joining the Programming Committee? Then, please contact Md. Redwan Ahmad Khan at

  • Professional Development Committee

    The Professional Development Committee aims to improve the academic environment at WSU by planning events and workshops that address specific needs of graduate and professional students. The committee will also work on matters pertaining to the academic and professional development needs of graduate and professional students at WSU.

    Interested in joining the Professional Development Committee? Then, please contact Sajjad Uddin Mahmud at

  • Awards and Scholarship Committee

    The Awards and Scholarships Committee assists in planning and implementing the annual spring semester GPSA Research Exposition. The committee is also responsible for reviewing and awarding teaching assistant, research assistant, graduate assistant, graduate student instructor, and advisor awards. The committee is also tasked with planning and organizing the spring Excellence Award luncheon, where GPSA recognizes excellence award winners and the Research Exposition winners.

    Interested in joining the Awards and Scholarships Committee? Then, please contact Joseph Akowuah at

  • University and Student Affairs Committee

    The University Affairs Committee is responsible for addressing issues pertaining to the health insurance plan for graduate and professional students. The committee also considers concerns such as housing, safety, transportation, recreation, and other issues pertaining to graduate and professional student well-being. The committee is responsible for educating the Senate and GPSA constituents related to health care and university policies that impact graduate and professional students. In addition, the committee assists in developing and implementing a strategic plan for GPSA.

    Interested in joining the University and Student Affairs Committee? Then, please contact Golrokh "Rose" Maleki at

    As part of GPSA's responsibilities to represent graduate and professional students, the GPSA President, Vice President, Vice President of Legislative Affairs, and each college representative and senators are responsible for serving on a university committee. This responsibility grants a valuable voice for graduate and professional students when it comes to representing graduate and professional students' needs and concerns. 

    Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) Faculty Senate Chloe Dydasco 
    Admissions Subcommittee of AAC Faculty Senate

    Md. Redwan Ahmad Khan 

    Athletic Council Presidential Committee President's Office

    Ajay Barman

    Budget Committee Faculty Senate Desmond Nanayaw Aboagye
    Campus Landscape Advisory Committee Faculty Senate Otun Saha
    Food Pantry Advisory Board   Madison Honig 
    Commission for Gender Identity/Expression and Sexual Orientation (GIESO) President's Office  TBD
    Commission on the Status of Women President's Office Golrokh (Rose) Maleki 
    Community Response Team (CRT) Advisory Boards/Task Force Madison Honig 
    CUB Advisory Board Advisory Boards/Task Force Desmond Nanayaw Aboagye
    Distinguished Faculty Address Committee Faculty Senate  Johana Thomas Zapata
    Driver's Safety Committee Advisory Boards/Task Forces  Joseph Akowuah 
    Chancellor's Award Committee President's Office

    Ajay Barman and Nazua Idris 

    EP-15 Review Committee Advisory Board/Task Force  TBD
    Faculty Senate Faculty Senate Ajay Barman 
    Graduate School Professional Development Advisory Council Advisory Boards/Task Force Sajjad Uddin Mahmood
    Graduate Studies Committee Faculty Senate Nazua Idris
    Housing and Dining Board  Advisory Boards/Task Forces Ali Maleki
    Library Committee Faculty Senate Amir Hossein Moadab 
    Parking Appeals Committee Advisory Boards/Task Forces Hesam Abbasi 
    Professional Health Sciences Committee Faculty Senate Natasha Venice Barrow
    Pullman Police Advisory Board  Pullman Community Augustine Triumph Attah 
    Research and Arts Committee Faculty Senate Haden Kingrey
    Services and Activities Fee Committee (S&A) President's Office Ajay Barman and Andrew Sutherland
    Student Book Corporeation (SBC) Maliha Shah
    Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) Cougar Health Services TBD
    Student Health Insurance Advisory Committee (SHIAB) Nihn Khun
    Student Feedback Committee Student Affairs Working Group  TBD
    Student Media Ad Fund  Advisory Boards/Task Forces  TBD
    Student Media Board Advisory Boards/Task Forces Zahra Khodaverdi and James Asare 
    Sustainability and Environment Committee (SEC) President's Office  TBD
    UCore Committee President's Office Nazua Idris
    University Parking and Transportation Task Force (UPTTF)   Malachi Chukwu 
    Transit Advisory Group (TAG) Advisory Boards/Task Forces Ali Maleki
    UREC Board Advisory Boards/Task Forces Ajay Barman
    WSU Police Department Advisory Board Advisory Boards/Task Forces  TBD