Preparing Student for Academic and Career Success
The Professional Development Initiative (PDI) is organized by the Graduate School and the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA), and has received support through many partnerships and colleges across campus. This initiative aims to provide a range of programs, training opportunities, and resources to graduate and professional students that will help prepare them for academic and career success. The goal of PDI is to ensure that all graduate and professional students have the skills, knowledge, and mindsets necessary to succeed both professionally and academically.
Through this initiative, we have developed a series of core competencies that are intended to guide students through their programs and help them transition into their future role in academia or industry. The following core competencies are inclusive of masters and doctoral students across disciplines and applicable to a wide range of professional settings:
Academic and Career Development | Communication and Collaboration | Leadership and Professionalism | Personal Well-being
Please visit the PDI Website for more information about their events and resources.